Why did John Key, New Zealand’s most popular Prime Minister, suddenly step down?

Don’t let the door hit your arse on your way out Johnny

Don’t let the door hit your arse on your way out Johnny

Please read the comments at the end of the article –

Why did he resign?

“I’ve taken the knife to some other people, and now I’ve taken the knife to myself’”

He has disgraced the name of New Zealand by not doing the RIGHT THING –

Read the seven letters to him, pleading that he does the right thing – instead, he allows his Chief Executive to discriminate against one nationality by TAXING 100% their CPF savings because he had already collected his CPF savings from the Singapore government TAX-FREE – https://cpfisnotapensionfund.wordpress.com/2016/01/

Stepping down is certainly doing the right thing for blemishing the name of New Zealand.

The Chief Executive of Ministry of Social Development should also fall down on his sword because he was the instigator of this discrimination against one nationality and is the cause of John Key’s downfall FOR NOT DOING THE RIGHT THING – after all, watch the news video – John Key’s voice was emotional and broken up – did he resign on his own accord? Who would want to resign if you are at the top of the National dungheap – nothing could shake his popularity – not increased homelessness, not inflated house prices, not poorer health services, not rampant burglaries, rapes, assaults and the closing of police stations throughout the country, NOTHING!



Ref: http://www.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?220849-Singapore-DISCRIMINATES-against-its-own-citizens-by-not-returning-their-CPF-savings/page5

One thought on “Why did John Key, New Zealand’s most popular Prime Minister, suddenly step down?

  1. …. He has disgraced the name of New Zealand by not doing the RIGHT THING ….

    Especially – in joining with thugs, antisemites and other monsters – the Right Thing by Judeo-Christian/Western/Human Civilization, by our most important ally — and by the Middle East’s only Democracy, the Nation of Israel.

    The name he will now take with him into (effectively) war-crime-infamy?

    Funktionshäftling (Kapo) Keys!


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